Tuesday 12 July 2016

Sweet Potatoes – Best Food For Diabetics, Side Effects, And Healthy Recipes

Sweet potatoes, though resembling in appearance to yams or the common potato, belong to an entirely different food family, so when you choose sweet potatoes as a dietary root vegetable, you are getting a truly unique type of potato that is nutritionally different from other types.
The intensity of the sweet potato’s yellow or orange flesh color is directly correlated to its beta-carotene content, which is referred to as “Provitamin A” as our bodies can typically produce vitamin A from it.
Purple-fleshed sweet potatoes, on the other hand, are a fantastic source of anthocyanins (especially peonidins and cyanidins) and have outstanding antioxidant activity, more than even blueberries.
Here’s why this is getting the thumbs up from nutritionists to be part of a diabetic’s diet. Also understand when can it be harmful and simple recipes to try at home.

Are Sweet Potatoes Good For Diabetics
 15 Reasons Sweet Potato Is A Staple Food For Diabetics

Sweet potato actually helps to balance blood sugar in diabetics. Research shows that sweet potatoes contain adiponectin, a protein hormone produced by our fat cells. People with diabetes tend to have lower levels of adiponectin, and sweet potato extracts have been shown to significantly increase adiponectin levels in persons with type 2 diabetes.

Sweet Potatoes vs. Regular Potatoes: Battle Of The Spuds

Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) are part of the Solanaceae family and related to tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant along with the deadly nightshade. The leaves of potatoes are poisonous and cannot be eaten. Unlike potatoes, the leaves of sweet potatoes are edible and very nutritious.
  • Sweet potatoes are roots whereas regular potatoes are tubers (underground stems). The calorie content of the white potato and the sweet potato is similar. A 100 g serving of a baked white potato with the skin contains 93 calories. The same size serving of a baked sweet potato with the skin contains 90 calories.
  • Both species (when boiled, without skin) contain similar amounts of water, fat, carbohydrates, and protein.
  •  Sweet potatoes contain higher amounts of fiber and sugars, and sometimes have a lower glycemic index.
  •  Both are good sources of potassium and vitamin C, but sweet potatoes are excellent sources of vitamin A.
Thus, sweet potatoes have a lower glycemic index, are a better source of fiber, and provide similar or slightly higher levels of vitamins and minerals (especially vitamin A) than regular potatoes.1

Health Benefits Of Sweet Potatoes

  • The purple anthocyanins in sweet potatoes protect the body from the ill-effects of free radicals and heavy metals.2 They bring relief in conditions like ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome. These purple pigments also minimize oxidative liver damage3 caused by a high-cholesterol diet and can suppress colon, stomach, lung, and breast cancer cell proliferation.
  • Sweet potatoes are power-packed with vitamins. Orange-fleshed sweet potatoes especially are rich sources of beta-carotene and vitamin A and have anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties.4
  • The potassium content sweet potatoes contain can help lower your blood pressure while the phosphorus content can help your body store energy and repair damaged tissues.5
  • Sweet potatoes have a low glycemic index and can help regulate blood sugar, even in type 2 diabetes patients.6

Side Effects Of Sweet Potatoes

Gallstones And Kidney Stones

Sweet potatoes are among the select vegetables with high amounts of oxalates (greater than 10 mg per serving). Oxalates tend to crystallize when they exist in excessive levels in the body. They play a part in the formation of calcium-oxalate kidney stones, which is the most common form of kidney stone. Individuals with impaired kidney and gallbladder functions who have trouble processing and excreting oxalates from the body need to consult their doctor before including sweet potatoes in their diet.

Sweet potatoes contain a type of sugar called mannitol that can cause stomach pain if you have a sensitive stomach. A frequent stomach pain every time you eat sweet potatoes might suggest that you are intolerant to foods containing mannitol. Mannitol can also trigger bloating and diarrhea in some cases.

Blood Glucose Level Spikes

Sweet potato ranks low on the glycemic index scale, but the way a food is prepared also affects its glycemic index. A boiled sweet potato has a low GI of 44. But if baked for 45 minutes, the same sweet potato has an extremely high glycemic index level of 94. Individuals watching their diet and blood sugar levels for disease management or overall wellness must make sure they prepare sweet potatoes correctly.7


If eaten in moderation and prepared in a healthy way, sweet potatoes are a healthy, nutritious, and tasty food that should pose no significant health risks.

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