“I did not sweep London streets to survive. I never swept except it is my house. If people peddle rumours that I sweep the streets of London to survive, so be it. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. The bottom line is that I believe in dignity of labour but I have never swept in any land to earn money in my life.”
She also said “I didn’t do nanny either but very soon, my book will soon be out then people will get to know what I was doing in England. Another thing I will like to tell you, even if I was doing a job of nanny I will be proud to do it as long as it brings money. I can do anything for money so far it is not stealing. As I said, I can do anything to make money apart from being a prostitute, a cocaine pusher, or 419.”
“Anything that will give me good money is what I can do because “owo igbe kin run (money gotten from shit carrying does not smell shit). If at the end of the day I’m spending the money, does it smell of shit or faeces?” she concluded.
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